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Hellgate® supports your payment processes with stand-alone authentications. This means you run a full 3-D Secure authentication based on cardholder data stored in Hellgate® and then transact with your existing payment processor based on this data without further friction.


We support four different scenarios for authentication only payments:

  1. Credential-on-File (COF): Simple authentication for a single payment based on an existing Hellgate Token.
  2. Initial Recurring: Authentication for the first payment in a row of recurring payments.
  3. Initial Installment: Authentication for the first payment in a row of installment payments.
  4. Subsequent Recurring/Installment: Authentication for a subsequent merchant initiated transaction.

The first three are customer initated and as such require a customer interaction. They are based on Hellgate's session protocol and are facilitated by our SDKs. The fourth scenario is merchant initiated and can be triggered by your backend, without a customer. This scenario is also referred to as requestor initiated (3RI).

Need support?

If you need support getting started with authentication only payments, please reach out to your account manager or contact our support.